Sunday, September 9, 2012

Pet Therapy

As a child I always wanted a pet of my own. I wanted the responsibility and the fun of caring for something that was completely mine. Alas it never happened. We had a family dog but Angel and I (the dog) just did not see eye to eye. In fact I dare say we hated each other. She used to run away on a regular basis when I opened the door and was quite the obnoxious bastard to retrieve. It was just not meant to be for us. At 17 I got myself some goldfish - I named them Alice Cooper and Schnoodle. Clearly the best fish names ever. However after a few months Alice Cooper got caught in the fake sea bush and died. Shnoodle committed fishicide a few days later of a broken heart. I loved those fish and was quite sad, especially while giving them a proper toilet flushing ceremony. I did not have a pet again, pet ownership was just not in the cards for me.

A few months ago Babylove began asking for a pet, she was ready for the role of 'mommy' to a furry friend of her own. She begged, pleaded, bargained and even told me once or twice I was rude for not accepting her offer to "love it forever" if I just allowed a pet. I was set against it, I am not home enough for a dog. I think cats are arrogant and I was still not healed from my fish experience as a teen. I had just about given up on all pet possibilities when a co worker offered up her hamster. I was hesitant, hamsters appeared messy and reminded me of mice and rats of which I am not a fan. I took the leap of faith however and we entered into an open adoption of Caramel. Babylove promptly changed her name to Merida (after Disney's most recent princess). Babylove was immediately in love with Merida, she loved watching her, feeding her and talking to her excitedly about how her day at school went. I was neutral about Merida, she was there and part of the family but nothing to get excited about...or so I thought. It was only a day or two before I caught myself watching Merida run in her wheel for an hour at a time and petting her referring to myself as "mommy". It had hit me , I too was in love with Merida. I felt like a kid again, the joy of waking up each day and strolling by her cage on the way to the coffee "Good morning Merida, Mommy loves you" "Good morning Merida, how was your sleep!"

Having Merida in our home has been such a welcomed presence. She lights up our day and has taught Babylove responsibilities. I am now a firm believer in pet therapy. Thank you Merida!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Jobs , jobs, jobs

I need to share this fabulous news with the of Thursday August 16th, 2012 I HAVE GAINED A THIRD AND FABULOUS JOB. Now I realize this seems like utter insanity as I currently have two jobs, but oh don't fear this third job comes with a plan. I have lowered my hours at my part time job to one shift per month to remain on the payroll and in my position. I am currently on a full time contract at the shelter which ends in March when a co worker comes back from Mat leave, at that time I will return to my part time position which is why I had gained the second job in the first place. This third and fabulous job came about when I told my boss at the shelter that I was going to being lowering my hours at my second job as I was interested in focusing more time on the shelter as well as gaining more of a personal life. I told her that I wanted to gain skills and prove myself so that when I became part time again I would be available for more employment opportunities within the shelter. Well little did I know an opportunity would come so soon, my boss informed me that the shelter was looking at starting a partnership with the local social assistance office and would be needing someone to facilitate pre employment workshops. I was over the moon to hear, I LOVE employment and pre employment workshops. We chatted and everything was up in the air until just last week. I am now the very proud part time contract Pre employment and Employment services worker for my shelter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

escaping my stereotype, my step by step guide to how I pulled it together

I have imagined this post numerous times in my head and each and every time I never get around to posting it. Do I fear backlash? I can't possibly as I don't have a slew of avid followers. Do I fear admitting that I was once a stereotype? I mustn't for that devalues all that I am. I have now faced fact , I have no reason not to post here you have it. I was once a teenage mother...

Pregnancy at 18 is not exactly ideal but it is a fact of life and life must go on. I was not given the opportunity in my pregnant state to be on an ever popular TV show so I was not showered with fame or riches, I was however showered with dirty looks and awkward stares (not quite as lovely as I am sure you can imagine). I still may receive those looks when with babylove but I am no longer daunted by them because I am now quite happily a functioning member of society on a mission to greatness. The following is how I have become who I am today:

Coming to terms with reality: This was not an easy feat and I don't dare pretend it was. I had to face the music and the criticism of those around me. I was in fact having a child and I knew it would not be easy. I headed into this challenge with open eyes and open heart, if nothing else I knew I needed to have my heart in this to get through alive.

Getting an education: I did not allow the stares and snickers to keep me from attending school. I attended an outreach high school program where I was one girl in a class of twenty adolescent boys, all so worried I would deliver my child in class they ran to my rescue every time I sneezed. I could never thank those boys enough for setting up my desk each when my pregnant belly got in the way! I walked across my high school stage with pride, and headed straight into college. Dental was my career choice, 9-5 with benefits and stable pay? oh what a life I would lead! Though my venture into the world of cuspids and root canals did not last long as stable employment is hard to come by, I followed my passion and in the blink of an eye (or it seemed that way at least) I was graduated Social worker.

Finding a job: Now this was not an easy task, I have had many jaunts into employment throughout my life but none as interesting as after I had babylove. I was for a period of time in the dental field and by period of time I mean six months! I followed this closely by a horrible and horrendous stint working in a call centre. I was told where to go so many times in a day I reckon I could find my way to hell with my eyes closed! Thankfully I have now happily landed somewhere I never saw myself before (oddly now I cant imagine myself anywhere else) a full time Women's Advocate in a regional shelter. Social work is my true calling, as is being the centre assistant at a local non profit organization for education. Two jobs? this girl is on a roll.

Establishing my parenting style: Ive thought of this many times and never could decide what I may be labelled as when it comes to parenting, after all you're talking to a girl who has all in the span of her child's life had tattoo's, piercings, fire engine red bangs, dread locks and the occasional 'mom bob'. I now label my parenting style as "loving". I am open minded and always on the hunt. I research when I'm intrigued, ask doctors when I am unsure and converse with other mothers for new hints and tips.

Living life one day at a time: This is seems simple enough but it realistically this may be the hardest thing of all, realizing that I cannot control the future, cannot change the past and can only live in present day. Bills will be paid, groceries will be bought, bumps and bruises will happen and love will be had.

Every day in my life is a new adventure to finding out who I am, no longer a "teenage mother" and well on my way to "Brigette"

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Room Makeover

I recently redid babylove's room and while it is still missing a vital piece and Id like to paint her bookshelf I'd say its all in all done. ps in case you don't see the missing vital piece..its flooring.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Update shmupdate

In case you haven't noticed I have been a bad little blogger these day, not wise when one is trying to establish a place in the online world.

What has this busy bee been  up to?

  • working a minimum of 60 hr weeks
  • painting up a storm
  • playtime with babylove
  • mentally prepping blog posts
I promise to do better <3

Monday, April 23, 2012

The home made cottage life

This little project is easily the best $11 and four hours I have spent in a long time. Babylove absolutely adores her play house. I surprised myself with this one, I managed to pop together this cardboard cottage in record time and paint with only 4 basic colours that I mixed and matched to create new ones for a more fun house!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

In the beginning

I couldn't think of a better way to start this blog than by introducing myself and all of the things I love. I want my blog to reflect me and my life in its entirety (which is an awful lot!) but here we go...

This will be my space to post OOTD's , my DIY home projects, the products from my small business (The Perfectly Painted Mommy), outings with my babylove, day in the life's , fashion on the cheap,adventures in my kitchen and of course décor I die for.